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Volunteer Fundraising

Volunteer Fundraising

We’re the leader in
Online Volunteer Fundraising

  • 125,000+
  • Volunteer Fundraising Campaigns
  • $330 Million+
  • Raised Per Year
  • 0%
  • Platform Fee

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Volunteer Fundraising at Adam Welfare

Adam Welfare works hard to provide a fun yet an efficient way in which you can raise funds using the platform, deploying your most promising ideas.

Volunteers are individuals committing their time and energy to help a cause grow and move forward. They are not doing it because they want to fulfill some hidden agenda or personal motive. Instead, they want to help make a real difference. Volunteers can become an invaluable resource for non-profits. There are many ways in which non-profits can take benefit from their contributions including expansion in services, to help devote sizeable budget, and also further their cause. They also help free up the time and resources that a non-profit’s staff member would have to invest. This way, they can only utilize their staff, allowing them to focus on the bigger picture and do the core functions vital to the growth of the organization.

Adam Welfare gives all the non-profit organizations a platform which also deeply values volunteers and the amount of work that they put in to raise funds. If you are someone looking for personal fundraising opportunities, we would give you once in a lifetime opportunity to raise funds and anyone can be a volunteer fundraiser on Adam Welfare.

Volunteer Programs for which we offer support

At Adam Welfare we understand and appreciate the work put in by different organizations that wholeheartedly support volunteer programs. Thus, we are always on the lookout to partner with such non-profit organizations, whether they are working locally or internationally. It means helping people in a community that connects to causes which are close to their hearts. This approach of partnering does not just help the causes but also give the volunteer fundraisers a chance to make a difference where it matters the most.

If you are thinking of volunteering, you must not hold back yourself as a volunteer fundraiser. Volunteerism helps in many ways the persons who are presenting themselves to those in need. For example, students who volunteer for a cause to raise funds, research indicates that they show higher success in their academics. Also, volunteering provides a great way to connect with other people and build a network with like-minded individuals. You are able to learn from people coming from different backgrounds with varied interests. In most cases it is potentially beneficial for your physical and spiritual wellbeing, getting connected with causes that make an impact.

Young people are not the only beneficiaries from volunteering their services. Senior and old age individuals also enjoy great health and spirits when volunteering for different causes. They are able to connect with causes and find a purpose and meaning to their lives. This kind of connectivity helps them avoid more serious health problems and significantly adds to their physical health.

Adam Welfare’s platform for volunteers is a great way for you to help the non-profit organizations raise funds. Out platform gives space to everyone to help other community members carry out the important work that they believe in. Thus, our platform is a great place for volunteers.

Volunteering on Adam Welfare

When it comes to volunteering, there is no shortage of opportunities at Adam Welfare. You can work with any of the causes listed on our website. Show them that you care about them by supporting their cause. Money is one way of showing that you care. There is no shortage of ways to volunteer for a cause and it is only limited to your imagination and you can think of other ways to help too.

Starting a Fundraiser Campaign

Adam Welfare makes it super easy, quick and secure to help you raise funds. One way to support a cause you love is by launching your own campaign. The ease of use is at the center of our philosophy and it helps everyone make a difference. Scroll through the other campaigns to see how fundraisers are carrying out their efforts.

Planning a Team Campaign

Adam Welfare welcomes campaigns both by individuals and teams. Thus, you can also ask your peers to participate in the campaigns and jointly raise money for the charities you want to support. It may be anyone that you would like team up with including someone from your school, workplace, or any other circle of friends. So, we also welcome team efforts.

Contributing to your skills

There is no single way to volunteer for fundraising. If you are a graphic designer, helping create images which would engage donors and potentially improve the quality of the campaign is one way of contributing to a cause. Thus, know what you are good at and give out some time which would help a non-profit and give you the real contentment.

Help create an impacting video

Images are a great way to help organizations communicate with their audiences. However, videos are a step further in that direction. The effect of sound and the sharing of a story can help further to spread the good word about a cause. So, charity can also help you in that regard too. Before you plan to create a video, make sure that you also focus on the main idea and create the whole package around it. Communication is the key here so that you don’t miss on any of the important details that need to go into it.

Why Adam Welfare for Volunteer Fundraising?

Your success is our success. So, feel free to volunteer to any cause and start a campaign at Adam Welfare and here is why?

  • You don’t need to pay any upfront costs when starting a volunteer fundraising campaign here.
  • There is no penalty for not reaching a minimum target or goal when you plan to raise funds.
  • We offer outstanding customer support 24/7 so that you can get all the answers to your questions.
  • Easy to use tools help you keep track of your fundraising campaign.
  • The social media integration takes your audience reach to a new high, letting you get to more potential donors.

How to use Adam Welfare for Volunteering Fundraising?

Step 1:

The first step is to sign up with Adam Welfare and build your profile page, letting the potential supporters know of your campaign’s existence.

Step 2:

Use your social media accounts with a significant following to promote your campaign involving Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google Plus among others.

Step 3:

Don’t forget to keep your audiences engaged and always take the time to thank those who are supporting your cause.

Have A Look
at Our Categories

A Leader in
Online Fundraising


Globally Accessible & Trusted

Adam Welfare stays true to its name, trusted by the empowering and the ones who need empowerment.


Easy to Setup

The ease of use and ability to personalize Adam Welfare quickly provides a great user experience for individuals trying to make a difference in this world.


No Goal Penalties

If you didn't reach your funding target, don't worry. All it matters to us is that you gave your best shot.


Mobile Application

A few taps on your smartphone, and your fund-raising campaign is up and running in no time.


Greater Social Connectivity

Adam Welfare lets you harness and leverage the power of social media connectivity, helping you reach more people and connect to so many lives.


Adam Welfare Experts on Your Side

Have questions? Don't worry! One of our fund-raising experts at Adam Welfare is always on your side to assist you with any queries that you may have.

Who We Are!

At Adam Welfare, we consider ourselves as facilitators, who bridge the gap between those who have a genuine need and the ones who want to help overcome that need. We feel a strong urge to fill that gap created due to manmade and natural disasters. Everywhere we look, we see an ocean of destruction. It seems as if everyone has turned a deafening ear to the cries of humanity arising out of the miseries they are suffering.

In all this destruction and disappointment, Adam Welfare still believes there is hope. Thus, we have come forward to lead this global cause which goes beyond religions, borders, and all other prejudices.

We partner with some of the most trusted and hard-working partners who are making many lives better by rightly channeling the funds to the ones in need. We know this funding may not necessarily lessen the affects of a trauma, an injury, or shock of the loss of someone close. However, we strongly believe that this financial help, no matter how big or small, can reduce the impact of the conflicts or natural disasters upon humanity, helping them see a ray of hope in utter darkness.

how we are
what we do

What We Do?

Adam Welfare is one of the world's largest fund-raising and crowdsourcing organizations, supported by a strong community of donors. Adam Welfare provides a robust platform through which anyone can quickly raise funds for causes that they are passionate about.

We empower donors to confidently donate to a cause they want to back through any credit or debit card, in a highly secure manner. Adam Welfare provides the safest online platform guaranteeing that the money you have donated, goes to the right person.

Many visiting Adam Welfare ask us what kind of causes they can support. Well, the simple answer is anything. There is a long list of categories from which you can choose a cause you care about the most. Simply, go to that category and start making a real impact.

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