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Community Fundraising

Community Fundraising

We’re the leader in
Online Community Fundraising

  • 125,000+
  • Community Fundraising Campaigns
  • $330 Million+
  • Raised Per Year
  • 0%
  • Platform Fee

Awo Success Stories

If you are looking for a community fundraiser, Adam Welfare provides you with so many options and with boundless possibilities to support any community cause close to your heart.

So, what is Community Fundraising?

When we talk about community fundraising, a local community outreaches to a fundraiser for support or help with a particular cause. The objectives of the community fundraising campaign are very specific. The relationship between the organization and the people you are lending out money to is clear right from the start. When you rely on Adam Welfare, you are able to easily raise funds and help contribute to causes started by your community or neighborhood.

An Idea Can Make A Great Impact

When you use Adam Welfare, you are able to easily start a community fundraiser. It may involve starting a group, inviting others to an event, or kickstarting a project or non-profit which could create a massive impact. Adam Welfare helps you do that and with supreme ease.

How Adam Welfare Can Help You Make a Difference in Your Community?

Here are some of the advantages of using Adam Welfare for your community fundraising campaigns.

  • There are no upfront costs that you need to pay to anyone.
  • You will not be required to meet a minimum target and we don’t penalize anyone for not reaching their target.
  • Awesome customer support is always there. We offer great advice to all our fundraisers. Contact any of our fundraising experts at Adam Welfare to ask any questions that you may have about raising funds on Adam Welfare.
  • Keep track of your campaigns with advanced analytics to get the insights you require.
  • Eas social media integration helps you get the maximum reach to the potential donors.
  • We accept most of the debit and credit cards online, so you don’t need to worry about receiving payments.

How to Raise Community Fundraising Campaigns at Adam Welfare?

Step 1:

The launch of our community fundraiser is easy. You can set up and start running a campaign in just a matter of minutes. Create a campaign page and let the world know about your story.

Step 2:

Unless you share what you deeply care about, no one will know. Use the different social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and G Plus to share with those in your family and friends who can make an impact.

Step 3:

The launch of the campaign and generating some interest won’t do the job unless you stick to your cause. Therefore, it is essential that you keep sharing it and posting updates. Also, don’t forget to thank the donors.

Here are some useful tips for getting the most out of a community fundraiser campaign.

Fundraising is not easy and not everyone is able to find the sources of funding they require for the charity campaigns they want to support. You need to work hard to get your message across and ensure that the charity fundraising effort generates persistent cash inflows to make it sustainable over time.

Let’s get to the bottom of some workable tips to raise funds for a charity.

Know what you want from the start

It is critical for the success of your campaign that you stay clear about what you want to accomplish. Make clear-cut goals about the community you want to support and accordingly plan for the funds you need. Also, this approach would help you rightly allocate funds to the areas that need them the most. It is easy to get carried away by spending money on random stuff which you think can make a difference. However, in the end, it does not turn out that way. Remember that the clarity of mind and objectives is one of the keys to success for charity fundraising.

Personal involvement shows you care and establishes trust

Just adding a campaign page on any of the fundraising websites or other platforms would not show any progress. You need to ensure that you are yourself committed. You can show this commitment in so many ways. For example, participating in a charity event, taking pictures, and updating them on social media is one of the many ways. Active participation showcases the fact that you are actively participating in the causes that you support. This active participation helps build more trust and you are able to highlight the problem areas where you might need to have more funds.

Marketing does matter a great deal

No matter how just your community cause, unless you are able to reach more donors, you won’t be able to get people interested in it. Therefore, marketing remains pivotal to your efforts to focus on the audience that would contribute. Social media platforms are particularly useful for reaching those audiences that would relate to your cause and make a difference. So, remain targeted when using the power of social media for outreach and marketing.

Be frugal with what you have

The word for this tip is “resourcefulness.” It is not easy to raise funds since it requires a lot of efforts. However, a lot of the fundraisers find it hard to meet all the expenses for their campaigns. You must be careful when selecting the roles for supporters and volunteers. Also, an organizing committee with someone looking at the finances can help you keep track of the funds. Key resources are vital to the success of any charity. So, make sure that you rely on those resources which focus on the results. 

Gratitude is critical for those who care for you and support your cause

Never underestimate the role of stewardship in increasing the effectiveness of events to collect funds. If you invited individuals to come to your events but you did not take the time to thank them, then you would not be able to build a support base that grows with time. In the majority of the cases, successful fundraisers keep engaging the donors long after they have contributed to a cause. Technology has made it easy to stay connected. A simple newsletter every two weeks or a month can do the job.

Have A Look
at Our Categories

A Leader in
Online Fundraising


Globally Accessible & Trusted

Adam Welfare stays true to its name, trusted by the empowering and the ones who need empowerment.


Easy to Setup

The ease of use and ability to personalize Adam Welfare quickly provides a great user experience for individuals trying to make a difference in this world.


No Goal Penalties

If you didn't reach your funding target, don't worry. All it matters to us is that you gave your best shot.


Mobile Application

A few taps on your smartphone, and your fund-raising campaign is up and running in no time.


Greater Social Connectivity

Adam Welfare lets you harness and leverage the power of social media connectivity, helping you reach more people and connect to so many lives.


Adam Welfare Experts on Your Side

Have questions? Don't worry! One of our fund-raising experts at Adam Welfare is always on your side to assist you with any queries that you may have.

Who We Are!

At Adam Welfare, we consider ourselves as facilitators, who bridge the gap between those who have a genuine need and the ones who want to help overcome that need. We feel a strong urge to fill that gap created due to manmade and natural disasters. Everywhere we look, we see an ocean of destruction. It seems as if everyone has turned a deafening ear to the cries of humanity arising out of the miseries they are suffering.

In all this destruction and disappointment, Adam Welfare still believes there is hope. Thus, we have come forward to lead this global cause which goes beyond religions, borders, and all other prejudices.

We partner with some of the most trusted and hard-working partners who are making many lives better by rightly channeling the funds to the ones in need. We know this funding may not necessarily lessen the affects of a trauma, an injury, or shock of the loss of someone close. However, we strongly believe that this financial help, no matter how big or small, can reduce the impact of the conflicts or natural disasters upon humanity, helping them see a ray of hope in utter darkness.

how we are
what we do

What We Do?

Adam Welfare is one of the world's largest fund-raising and crowdsourcing organizations, supported by a strong community of donors. Adam Welfare provides a robust platform through which anyone can quickly raise funds for causes that they are passionate about.

We empower donors to confidently donate to a cause they want to back through any credit or debit card, in a highly secure manner. Adam Welfare provides the safest online platform guaranteeing that the money you have donated, goes to the right person.

Many visiting Adam Welfare ask us what kind of causes they can support. Well, the simple answer is anything. There is a long list of categories from which you can choose a cause you care about the most. Simply, go to that category and start making a real impact.

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