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Family Fundraising

Family Fundraising

We’re the leader in
Online Family Fundraising

  • 125,000+
  • Family Fundraising Campaigns
  • $330 Million+
  • Raised Per Year
  • 0%
  • Platform Fee

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Family fundraisers provide a great way for you to contribute to the lives of those who matter to you the most. You can show that you love them and your care is unconditional and never-ending for them.

The family is something very close and personal. Therefore, we would take every step in our power to keep them happy, healthy, and provide them with anything that would make their lives more comfortable. There is no doubt about the fact that the most rewarding thing for us is to contribute towards the betterment of our family in one way or the other. However, when it comes to different family situations, we may not always find the funds that we need to make a significant contribution. Thus, you can use Adam Welfare to start a family fundraiser to help your family or the children who are in need.

Let us discuss some of the ideas for which you can raise funds for children and family with us.

We know that family fundraising is a more recent idea. However, online crowdfunding has revolutionized the way families, individuals and even group of people make a difference in the lives of those who hold a special place for them in their hearts. Family fundraising at Adam Welfare will help you reach your fundraising goals. Thus, the use of crowdfunding will help you get a new and unique opportunity to raise funds for your family and children. Wondering how you can support your family and children using Adam Welfare? Well, shared below are some of the many ideas that you can ponder and raise funds for your family.

Raising Funds to Support Field Trips or Camps

The modern technology and teaching methods are fast changing. Therefore, schools have become more creative when it comes to teaching children about different subjects. If you are wondering your child needs support for a field trip or perhaps camping, let Adam Welfare help you with that fundraising effort. Besides friends and family members, our platform gives you an additional window of opportunity.

Getting Support for After School Programs

Do not take after-school programs light as they definitely help add to the skills of your child. Come to our platform to raise money for a child to fund a special opportunity, which enables them to learn something beyond books. You can find a lot of examples online of how other parents are raising funds for their children’s after-school programs.

Starting Early A College Fund

Education is becoming expensive with each year. There is a lot that needs to go in the learning of a college student. Technology is also impacting the learning and the expectations from a leader of the future. So, it is a great idea to start thinking now instead of in the future. We can help you start a college fund. Raise money now and invest into a mutual fund or any other financial vehicle which would help you finance your child once they are ready to attend college.

Helping with the Relief Efforts of a Family facing a disaster

Disasters can come at any time and make our lives difficult. There are a lot of regions around the world where families are facing such natural calamities and find it hard to get the funds to rebuild their lives. If your loved ones are suffering the same fate, don’t panic. Sign up with Adam Welfare and create a page which would help them once again stand on their own feet.

Giving a loved one a memorable funeral

Planning to give that last goodbye to someone you deeply cared about. It is not easy and financial costs make it even more difficult and emotionally challenging. Therefore, you need to find a way to fund their funeral. Adam Welfare provides you with a platform that is full of individuals who are passionate, loving, and willing to help others when in need.

Raising Funds for Covering IVF Costs or Child Adoption Expenses

One of the ways to add more love and life to your family is planning to bring in a new member. It can cost a lot of money to adopt a child and when you add to that expenses for preparation of a new home or school that can make it even more difficult. Come to Adam Welfare and make your dreams come true. Start a fund or raise money for the whole child adoption process.

Raising Money for IVF Costs

Adoption is not the only way that you can use to bring a new member into your family. There are also vitreo fertilization procedures that you and your family can plan. However, you need to have funds to plan for that kind of exciting opportunity to bring a new member to your family. Let Adam Welfare community help you with the coverage of your IVF costs.

Get that gift for them they wanted so bad

Holidays of any religion give an opportunity for you to exchange gifts. Some of these gifts can also help those who need them. It can be an auspicious occasion that you hold dear as per your religious obligations. No matter what belief system you follow, Adam Welfare is an open-minded community. It allows to raise funds and buy the gifts for your loved ones. Don’t let those financial limitations stop you from exchanging gifts with the family members you love and care for.

Fund a Family Reunion

Family reunions are one of the most emotional events. Many families are not able to meet because of the distances and the traveling costs involved. Although social media does help us stay connected with them. Still, the remote communication with our family members can never replace the experience of meeting with them face to face. If you are planning for a big family reunion, not everyone from your family may be able to come. Thus, you would need to support them with traveling and lodging costs to make the trip. You can leverage the power of Adam Welfare community to raise funds and make that family reunion a memorable event.

Why use Adam Welfare for Family Fundraising?

•    Adam Welfare is an easy to use platform and you can quickly signup.

•    It easily integrates with social media to help you reach more people who may be able and willing to help.

•    There are no minimum goals you need to reach when using Adam Welfare platform.

Have A Look
at Our Categories

A Leader in
Online Fundraising


Globally Accessible & Trusted

Adam Welfare stays true to its name, trusted by the empowering and the ones who need empowerment.


Easy to Setup

The ease of use and ability to personalize Adam Welfare quickly provides a great user experience for individuals trying to make a difference in this world.


No Goal Penalties

If you didn't reach your funding target, don't worry. All it matters to us is that you gave your best shot.


Mobile Application

A few taps on your smartphone, and your fund-raising campaign is up and running in no time.


Greater Social Connectivity

Adam Welfare lets you harness and leverage the power of social media connectivity, helping you reach more people and connect to so many lives.


Adam Welfare Experts on Your Side

Have questions? Don't worry! One of our fund-raising experts at Adam Welfare is always on your side to assist you with any queries that you may have.

Who We Are!

At Adam Welfare, we consider ourselves as facilitators, who bridge the gap between those who have a genuine need and the ones who want to help overcome that need. We feel a strong urge to fill that gap created due to manmade and natural disasters. Everywhere we look, we see an ocean of destruction. It seems as if everyone has turned a deafening ear to the cries of humanity arising out of the miseries they are suffering.

In all this destruction and disappointment, Adam Welfare still believes there is hope. Thus, we have come forward to lead this global cause which goes beyond religions, borders, and all other prejudices.

We partner with some of the most trusted and hard-working partners who are making many lives better by rightly channeling the funds to the ones in need. We know this funding may not necessarily lessen the affects of a trauma, an injury, or shock of the loss of someone close. However, we strongly believe that this financial help, no matter how big or small, can reduce the impact of the conflicts or natural disasters upon humanity, helping them see a ray of hope in utter darkness.

how we are
what we do

What We Do?

Adam Welfare is one of the world's largest fund-raising and crowdsourcing organizations, supported by a strong community of donors. Adam Welfare provides a robust platform through which anyone can quickly raise funds for causes that they are passionate about.

We empower donors to confidently donate to a cause they want to back through any credit or debit card, in a highly secure manner. Adam Welfare provides the safest online platform guaranteeing that the money you have donated, goes to the right person.

Many visiting Adam Welfare ask us what kind of causes they can support. Well, the simple answer is anything. There is a long list of categories from which you can choose a cause you care about the most. Simply, go to that category and start making a real impact.

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