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Event Fundraising

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Event Fundraising using Adam Welfare

There are so many reasons why a lot of the fundraisers for events join our platform.

Easy Registration and Fundraising Process

When it comes to event fundraising, there are so many things that you need to take care of. A difficult to understand platform for fundraising is not on the list of the most important things to do. Thus, at Adam Welfare we work hard to ensure that you can easily set up an event fundraising campaign and get started quickly. You can also create branded campaigns using just your profile page. This simplistic approach has helped us enable fundraisers to become more successful and quickly kick-start their event fundraising campaigns.

Adam Welfare Platform for Event Fundraising

Technology remains the key driver with the ease of use as the main driving factor. We have built the platform in a way that it gives more power not just to the fundraisers but also to the donors. Track the payments on any device regardless of where in the world you are located. You know at Adam Welfare where all your funds are going.

As donors, you can easily see how the funds are used. The approach is fully transparent, letting the donors know that their money is spent for the purpose they originally donated. Make sure that you use your own social media accounts to get the most of the Adam Welfare platform.

Benefits of Using Adam Welfare

  • The platform is designed to maximize the number of participants and help you run your campaign in a highly cost-effective manner.
  • The connectivity between the social media networks and the profile page is easy. So, you don’t need to do any extra efforts to make your campaigns prominent on social media.
  • You can create as many campaigns as you would like to have, as long as they are within the policy guidelines by Adam Welfare, you should not have any problems running them.
  • Get more mileage out of your brand value by registering yourself on Adam Welfare. Besides ensuring more participation, our partnerships with different donor organizations give you a chance to showcase the event for a cause that is close to your heart.

Some Useful Tips to Maximize the Benefit of Using Adam Welfare for Your Event Fundraising Campaign

Here are some useful tips that can help you get the most out of your event fundraisers.

Be Specific and Clear About the Purpose

It is a great idea to organize an event for raising funds. However, without a clear purpose, you will struggle to turn it into a success. Have you set any clear objective for the event? In some cases, getting money is the main motive. However, it may be that you want to gain traction and get more attention for a cause. A clearer purpose will help you set realistic expectations from an event. It will also help you figure out the details and the type of activities which you would like to perform for that event. Without relating the success of your event with any purpose, you won’t be able to relate to the results.

Establish a Vivid Goal

Event fundraising requires fundraisers to establish the goal for the amount of money that they want to raise. No matter what the main purpose of the event organization is, still there has to be a minimum goal. Remember that you are going to incur a lot of expenses when organizing an event. You at least need to have 3 to 4 times the return on the amount of money you are going to spend. You can anticipate the proceeds of the event and deduct from the proceeds the total expenses that you are going to incur. This exercise will give you a clear idea of the amount of funds you are expected to get.

Set A Budget

The expenses for a fundraising event can quickly get out of control unless you have jotted down all the details. First, list down all the activities that will be performed in the event and what amount of money is required. It means leaving no expense unaccounted for, otherwise, you may not be able to have enough money to completely fund the event. When you set a budget, you would also be able to know the minimum goal you must have for raising funds.

Lead by Example

In most of the fundraising events, there is a host committee, which comprises of individuals who can donate a substantial amount of money. When these people contribute big amounts of money, this encourages other potential donors to donate more money to that particular cause. As being part of the committee or the main organizer, you must also donate to the event to showcase your willingness to support a cause that you are asking others to donate for. Fundraiser events where the organizers lead by example, donors tend to support without any hesitation. This activity will help you reach the minimum funds’ goal for the event and gain more trust.

Be Focused on the Right Audience

Not everyone will be interested in coming to your event or donating to your cause. Reaching out to people requires spending of money. Don’t waste a dime on someone who might not be interested in coming to your event or making any valuable contribution towards it. The contribution is not always in monetary terms, individuals who can rally support and ask others to come or can influence the minimum raised funds target must be invited. However, avoid calling those individuals you think won’t be able to make a difference. 

Marketing is Critical for the Success of a Fundraiser Event

No matter how noble the cause, you need to spread the word about it. If you don’t reach out to more of the people, you would never be able to reach your fundraising goals. However, again, only spend your marketing budget reaching out to individuals who can contribute towards your cause in some positive way. Do not waste any money on things you don’t understand. If you want to run a paid social media campaign, and don’t know how to do it, instead of spending huge amounts of money on it, ask for help from someone who supports the cause and can take care of it for you.

Feel free to get in touch with the Adam Welfare support if you have any questions or need help with event fundraising.

Have A Look
at Our Categories

A Leader in
Online Fundraising


Globally Accessible & Trusted

Adam Welfare stays true to its name, trusted by the empowering and the ones who need empowerment.


Easy to Setup

The ease of use and ability to personalize Adam Welfare quickly provides a great user experience for individuals trying to make a difference in this world.


No Goal Penalties

If you didn't reach your funding target, don't worry. All it matters to us is that you gave your best shot.


Mobile Application

A few taps on your smartphone, and your fund-raising campaign is up and running in no time.


Greater Social Connectivity

Adam Welfare lets you harness and leverage the power of social media connectivity, helping you reach more people and connect to so many lives.


Adam Welfare Experts on Your Side

Have questions? Don't worry! One of our fund-raising experts at Adam Welfare is always on your side to assist you with any queries that you may have.

Who We Are!

At Adam Welfare, we consider ourselves as facilitators, who bridge the gap between those who have a genuine need and the ones who want to help overcome that need. We feel a strong urge to fill that gap created due to manmade and natural disasters. Everywhere we look, we see an ocean of destruction. It seems as if everyone has turned a deafening ear to the cries of humanity arising out of the miseries they are suffering.

In all this destruction and disappointment, Adam Welfare still believes there is hope. Thus, we have come forward to lead this global cause which goes beyond religions, borders, and all other prejudices.

We partner with some of the most trusted and hard-working partners who are making many lives better by rightly channeling the funds to the ones in need. We know this funding may not necessarily lessen the affects of a trauma, an injury, or shock of the loss of someone close. However, we strongly believe that this financial help, no matter how big or small, can reduce the impact of the conflicts or natural disasters upon humanity, helping them see a ray of hope in utter darkness.

how we are
what we do

What We Do?

Adam Welfare is one of the world's largest fund-raising and crowdsourcing organizations, supported by a strong community of donors. Adam Welfare provides a robust platform through which anyone can quickly raise funds for causes that they are passionate about.

We empower donors to confidently donate to a cause they want to back through any credit or debit card, in a highly secure manner. Adam Welfare provides the safest online platform guaranteeing that the money you have donated, goes to the right person.

Many visiting Adam Welfare ask us what kind of causes they can support. Well, the simple answer is anything. There is a long list of categories from which you can choose a cause you care about the most. Simply, go to that category and start making a real impact.

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